
Couples Mental Health Therapy
in West Covina, CA

Couples counseling refers to therapeutic work between both partners and a trained couples counselor, typically with the intention of resolving conflict and strengthening the relationship between two partners. There are many reasons why a couples might seek couples counseling. Some reasons that bring couples to therapy including infidelity, high conflict, arguing and fighting, parenting differences, domestic violence and abuse, poor communication, decide whether you should separate, overcome adultery, understand myself better, get a more fair workload, reduce tension, prevent separation and divorce, learn :good” ways to fight, stop hurting each other, win back your partners love, love my partner again, discuss issues around raising kids, improve sex and intimacy, divorce and separation medication, child custody arrangement, and no connection.  In couples counseling, partners learn to be emotionally available for their partners, empathetic and engaged with each other, strengthening their attachment bond and the felt sense of safety between them. New positive cycles of emotional responses are developed and create a
permanent change. What is Emotionally-Focused Therapy (EFT)?
Emotionally-Focused Therapy or EFT is a scientifically-validated
intervention that heals relationships

Even though it was initially developed for working with couples, it has since been successfully adopted for working with families as well as individuals. EFT is based on attachment theory, which proposes that the way we related to our attachment figures (primary caretakers) in infancy and early childhood follows us into adulthood and informs the way we deal with our emotions, how we engage with others on the basis of these emotions, and how we form a sense of self from the drama of repeated emotionally laden interactions with our attachment figures. EFT helps people in close relationships create secure attachment bonds with each other. Goals of Emotionally-Focused Therapy with Couples: Emotionally-Focused Therapy with Couples in California. Emotionally-Focused Therapy with couples is built on the idea that each partner can provide a sense of security, protection, and comfort for the other, and can be available to support their partner in creating a positive sense of self and the ability to effectively regulate their own emotions. The ultimate outcome of treatment involves a new sense of self and a new way of relating to your partner, which in turn, evokes new responses from that partner. We expand and re-organize key emotional responses and, in the process, the organization of self. We create a positive shift in partners’ interactional positions and patterns. We foster the creation of a secure bond between partners. Emotional regulation (learning to regulate and cope with difficult or intense emotions) is a key component of Emotionally-Focused Therapy. We uncover the underlying emotional problem and begin to change the way it is perceived. We focus on creating new emotional experiences to replace the negative experiences and setting the couple up for more effective communication. If you want to find out more about how Wings of the Future can assist you as an individual or your family, contact us today.  

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